Produzione scientifica
Found 7557 results
Toward a Reversible Consolidation of Paper Materials Using Cellulose Nanocrystals,
, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, (2021)
Transcriptional modulations induced by proton irradiation in mice skin in function of adsorbed dose and distance,
, Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, Jan-01-2021, Volume 14, Issue 1, p.260 - 270, (2021)
Tungsten disulfide nanotubes enhance flow-induced crystallization and radio-opacity of polylactide without adversely affecting in vitro toxicity,
, Acta Biomaterialia, (2021)
A Two-Step Inverse-Scattering Technique in Variable-Exponent Lebesgue Spaces for Through-the-Wall Microwave Imaging: Experimental Results,
, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, (2021)
The Tyrrhenian Sea Circulation: A Review of Recent Work,
, Sustainability, Jan-06-2021, Volume 13, Issue 11, p.6371, (2021)
Understanding the environmental factors related to the decrease in Pediatric Emergency Department referrals for acute asthma during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic,
, Pediatric Pulmonology, Apr-10-2021, (2021)
Unraveling the role of male reproductive tract and haemolymph in cantharidinexuding Lydus trimaculatus and Mylabris variabilis (Coleoptera: Meloidae): a comparative transcriptomics approach,
, BMC Genomics, Jan-12-2021, Volume 22, Issue 1, (2021)
Upgrading wineries to biorefineries within a Circular Economy perspective: An Italian case study,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 775, (2021)
Urban trees for biomonitoring atmospheric particulate matter: An integrated approach combining plant functional traits, magnetic and chemical properties,
, Ecological Indicators, Volume 126, (2021)
Use of iron and steel slags in concrete: State of the art and future perspectives,
, Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 13, Number 2, p.1-27, (2021)
Valorisation of agri-food waste and mealworms rearing residues for improving the sustainability of Tenebrio molitor industrial production,
, Insects as Food and Feed, May-10-2021, Volume 8, Issue 5, Number 5, p.1 - 16, (2021)
Variability and trends in surface solar spectral ultraviolet irradiance in Italy: on the influence of geopotential height and lower-stratospheric ozone,
, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Jan-01-2021, Volume 21, Issue 24, p.18689 - 18705, (2021)
Varietal and Geographical Origin Characterization of Peaches and Nectarines by Combining Analytical Techniques and Statistical Approach,
, Molecules, Jan-07-2021, Volume 26, Issue 14, Number 14, p.4128, (2021)
Verification and bias adjustment of ecmwf seas5 seasonal forecasts over europe for climate service applications,
, Climate, Volume 9, Number 12, (2021)
The vernacular sculpture of Saint Anthony the Abbot of Museo Colle del Duomo in Viterbo (Italy). Diagnostic and Wood dating,
, Journal of Cultural Heritage, (2021)
A wide-ranging investigation of the COVID-19 lockdown effects on the atmospheric composition in various Italian urban sites (AER – LOCUS),
, Urban Climate, Jan-09-2021, Volume 39, p.100954, (2021)
6th International Conference on Ionic Liquids for Electrochemical Devices (ILED-6)- Foreword,
, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 336, (2020)
Acaricidal activity of the plant sesquiterpenoids α-costic acid and inuloxin A against the cattle ectoparasitic tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus,
, International Journal of Acarology, (2020)
Adverse effects of oxo-degradable plastic leachates in freshwater environment,
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 27, Number 8, p.8586-8595, (2020)
Ag functionalization of al-doped zno nanostructured coatings on pla substrate for antibacterial applications,
, Coatings, Volume 10, Number 12, p.1-13, (2020)
Alternative energy storage options for heat pump water heater coupled with photovoltaic plant for domestic hot water production,
, Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2019 and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry 2019, p.1334-1344, (2020)
Alternative exploitation of Cynara spp biodiversity in a bioeconomy context,
, DOI10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1284.4, (2020)
Alternative exploitation of Cynara spp. biodiversity in a bioeconomy context,
, Acta Horticulturae, Volume 1284, Pastoriestraat, p.41-45, (2020)
Analisi e mappatura delle Buone pratiche di economia circolare per settore e analisi del ciclo di vita dei prodotti,
, ICESP - Italian Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, (2020)