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Pubblicazioni della Divisione Biotecnologie

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Biotecnologie attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Totale
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 57 57 45 43 53 50 48 60 59 47 7 526
Presentazione a Congresso 6 6 4 14 6 5 1 3 45
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 1 1 2
Monografia 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 10
Brevetto 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 11
Manoscritto 2 2
Atti di Congresso 1 1 1 1 4
Capitolo di Monografia 1 1 3 5
Totale 64 66 59 60 62 58 50 65 65 49 7 605
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Cordelli, E., Ardoino L., Benassi B., Consales C., Eleuteri P., Marino C., et al. (2025).  Corrigendum to “Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field (RF-EMF) exposure on pregnancy and birth outcomes: A systematic review of experimental studies on non-human mammals” [Environ. Inter. 180 (2023) 108178] (Environment International (2023) . Environment International.
Pierdomenico, M., Giardullo P., Bruno G., Bacchetta L., Maccioni O., Demurtas O C., et al. (2025).  The Mucilage From the Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. Cladodes Plays an Anti-Inflammatory Role in the LPS-Stimulated HepG2 Cells: A Combined In Vitro and In Silico Approach. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research.
Innamorati, G., Sanchez-Petidier M., Bergafora G., Codazzi C., Palma V., Camera F., et al. (2025).  Characterization of Mesenchymal and Neural Stem Cells Response to Bipolar Microsecond Electric Pulses Stimulation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 26,
Sevi, F., Falcinelli B., Frusciante S., Fabene E., Tosti G., D'Amato R., et al. (2025).  Metabolomics of rapeseed (Brassica napus var. oleifera Del.) sprouts obtained with or without salinity from progeny seeds of mother plants grown in presence or absence of salinity. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research. 19,
Forgione, I., Sirangelo T M., Godino G., Vendramin E., Salimonti A., Sunseri F., et al. (2025).  Circadian- and Light-Driven Rhythmicity of Interconnected Gene Networks in Olive Tree. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 26(1), 361.
Akhgari, A., Sulli M., Ramata-Stunda A., Häkkinen S. T., Nohynek L., Salwinski A., et al. (2025).  Capsicum chinense cell cultures: A biotechnological platform for the sustainable production of bioactive metabolites for the cosmetics market. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology. 63,
Errico, S., Mastrobuono V., Pagliarello R., Bennici E., Tavazza R., Verardi A., et al. (2025).  Consumer acceptance of edible hydrogels obtained by plant cell culture technology and by-products valorization: An Italian case study for future innovation of the plate. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 100, 103893.
Cangioli, L., Tabacchioni S., Visca A., Fiore A., Aprea G., Ambrosino P., et al. (2024).  Genome Insights into Beneficial Microbial Strains Composing SIMBA Microbial Consortia Applied as Biofertilizers for Maize, Wheat and Tomato. Microorganisms. 12,
Marino, C., Galloni P., & Merla C. (2024).  Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields. Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics. V4:709 – V4:717.
Giulia, F., Antonella M., Leonardo B., Letizia M. Maria, Sirangelo T M., & . al. (2024).  Identification of potential molecular markers for detection of lengthy chilled storage of Prunus persica L. fruit. Heliyon. 10(24), e40992.
Tanno, B., Fratini E., Leonardi S., Novelli F., Pisano V., Mancuso M., et al. (2024).  Dissecting the Impact of Genetic Background on Oncogenic Response to Radiation Exposure in the Ptch1+/− Mouse Model. Cells. 13,
Perna, A., Santoro M., & Colaizzo E. (2024).  Understanding the Best Nutritional Management for Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease Patients: A Comparison Between East Asian and Western Experiences. Life. 14,
Pietrafesa, D., Casamassa A., Benassi B., Santoro M., Marano M., Consales C., et al. (2024).  Investigating the Impact of the Parkinson’s-Associated GBA1 E326K Mutation on β-Glucocerebrosidase Dimerization and Interactome Dynamics Through an In Silico Approach. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 25,
Petrillo, S., Perna A., Quatrana A., Silvestri G., Bertini E., Piemonte F., et al. (2024).  Differential Gene Expression in Late-Onset Friedreich Ataxia: A Comparative Transcriptomic Analysis Between Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Sisters. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 25,
Ben Temessek, M., Rebai O., Sulli M., Ben Abdallah R., Diretto G., & Fattouch S. (2024).  Synergising tradition and innovation: Fortification of milk kefir with date syrup, a novel functional beverage. Acta Alimentaria.
Bojórquez-Quintal, E., Xotlanihua-Flores D., Bacchetta L., Diretto G., Maccioni O., Frusciante S., et al. (2024).  Bioactive Compounds and Valorization of Coffee By-Products from the Origin: A Circular Economy Model from Local Practices in Zongolica, Mexico. Plants. 13,
Laudadio, I., Leter B., Palone F., Cucchiara S., Carissimi C., Scafa N., et al. (2024).  Inhibition of intestinal inflammation and fibrosis by Scutellaria Baicalensis georgi and Boswellia serrata in human epithelial cells and fibroblasts. Immunity, Inflammation and Disease. 12,
Koutika, L-S., Pereira A. Prudêncio, Fiore A., Tabacchioni S., Costanzo M., Di Gregorio L., et al. (2024).  Impact of mixed-species forest plantations on soil mycobiota community structure and diversity in the Congolese coastal plains. PloS one. 19, e0311781.
Antonelli, G., Camera F., Mencattini A., Casciati A., Tanori M., Zambotti A., et al. (2024).  Lab-On-Chip Label-Free Sensing System for Electroporation based on Time-Lapse Microscopy. IEEE Sensors Journal. 1 - 1.
Giuliani, C., De Stefano I., Mancuso M., Fiaschini N., Hein L.A., Mirabile Gattia D., et al. (2024).  Advanced Electrospun Composites Based on Polycaprolactone Fibers Loaded with Micronized Tungsten Powders for Radiation Shielding. Polymers. 16,
Desaint, H., Héreil A., Belinchon-Moreno J., Carretero Y., Pelpoir E., Pascal M., et al. (2024).  Integration of QTL and transcriptome approaches for the identification of genes involved in tomato response to nitrogen deficiency. Journal of Experimental Botany. 75, 5880-5896.
Senini, I., Tengattini S., Rinaldi F., Massolini G., Gstöttner C., Reusch D., et al. (2024).  Direct glycosylation analysis of intact monoclonal antibodies combining ESI MS of glycoforms and MALDI-in source decay MS of glycan fragments. Communications Chemistry. 7,
Triggiani, D., Demurtas O C., Illiano E., Massa S., Pasquo A., Dionisi-Vici C., et al. (2024).  A Functional Human Glycogen Debranching Enzyme Encoded by a Synthetic Gene: Its Implications for Glycogen Storage Disease Type III Management. Protein and Peptide Letters. 31, 519 – 531.
Vitali, R., Novelli F., Palone F., Cucchiara S., Stronati L., & Pioli C. (2024).  PARP1 inactivation increases regulatory T / Th17 cell proportion in intestinal inflammation. Role of HMGB1. Immunology Letters. 270,
Spadafora, N. Damiana, Felletti S., Chenet T., Sirangelo T M., Cescon M., Catani M., et al. (2024).  The influence of drying and storage conditions on the volatilome and cannabinoid content of Cannabis sativa L. inflorescences. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 416, 3797 – 3809.
Camera, F., Colantoni E., Casciati A., Tanno B., Mencarelli L., Di Lorenzo F., et al. (2024).  Dosimetry for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: a translational study from Alzheimer’s disease patients to controlled in vitro investigations. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 69,
D’Esposito, D., Di Donato A., Puleo S., Nava M., Diretto G., Di Monaco R., et al. (2024).  The Impact of Growing Area on the Expression of Fruit Traits Related to Sensory Perception in Two Tomato Cultivars. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 25,
Sirangelo, T M. (2024).  Molecular Investigations to Improve Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in Wheat: An Update Focusing on Multi-Omics Approaches. Plants. 13,
Pinto, R., Ardoino L., Giardullo P., Villani P., & Marino C. (2024).  A Systematic Review on the In Vivo Studies on Radiofrequency (100 kHz–300 GHz) Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Co-Carcinogenesis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 21,
Gómez-Gómez, L., López-Jimenez A. José, Fajardo C. Martinez, Morote L., Frusciante S., Rambla J. Luis, et al. (2024).  Metabolic engineering of crocins and picrocrocin apocarotenoids in potato group phureja. Engineering Reports.
Mollinari, C., Cardinale A., Lupacchini L., Martire A., Chiodi V., Martinelli A., et al. (2024).  The DNA repair protein DNA-PKcs modulates synaptic plasticity via PSD-95 phosphorylation and stability. EMBO Reports. 25, 3707 – 3737.
Camera, F., Merla C., & De Santis V. (2024).  Comparison of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Dosimetry between Structured and Unstructured Grids Using Different Solvers. Bioengineering. 11,
Santoro, M., Costabile F., Gualtieri M., Rinaldi M., Paglione M., Busetto M., et al. (2024).  Associations between fine particulate matter, gene expression, and promoter methylation in human bronchial epithelial cells exposed within a classroom under air-liquid interface. Environmental Pollution. 358,
Rampazzo, E., Persano L., Karim N., Hodgking G., Pinto R., Casciati A., et al. (2024).  On the effects of 30.5 GHz sinusoidal wave exposure on glioblastoma organoids. Frontiers in Oncology. 14,
Casciati, A., Pasquali E., De Stefano I., Braga-Tanaka I., Tanaka S., Mancuso M., et al. (2024).  Role of Apolipoprotein E in the Hippocampus and Its Impact following Ionizing Radiation Exposure. Cells. 13,
Saraceni, P.R., Miccoli A., Bada A., Taddei A.R., Mazzonna M., Fausto A.M., et al. (2024).  Polystyrene nanoplastics as an ecotoxicological hazard: cellular and transcriptomic evidences on marine and freshwater in vitro teleost models. Science of the Total Environment. 934,
D'Incà, R., Mattioli R., Tomasella M., Tavazza R., Macone A., Incocciati A., et al. (2024).  A Solanum lycopersicum polyamine oxidase contributes to the control of plant growth, xylem differentiation, and drought stress tolerance. Plant Journal.
Tounsi, S., Giorgi D., Kuzmanović L., Jrad O., Farina A., Capoccioni A., et al. (2024).  Coping with salinity stress: segmental group 7 chromosome introgressions from halophytic Thinopyrum species greatly enhance tolerance of recipient durum wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science. 15,
Lorenzo-Rebenaque, L., Muñoz-Baquero M., Diretto G., Frusciante S., García-Párraga D., Marin C., et al. (2024).  Metabolomic profiling of blood and seminal plasma in the small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula): A comparative study of aquarium and wild populations in the Valencia region. Global Ecology and Conservation. 52,
Farinon, B., Felli M., Sulli M., Diretto G., Savatin D. V., Mazzucato A., et al. (2024).  Tomato pomace food waste from different variants as a high antioxidant potential resource. Food Chemistry. 452,
Giovannini, D., Antonelli F., Casciati A., De Angelis C., M. Astorino D., Bazzano G., et al. (2024).  Comparing the effects of irradiation with protons or photons on neonatal mouse brain: Apoptosis, oncogenesis and hippocampal alterations. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 195,
Torgeman, S., Pleban T., Goldberg Y., Ferrante P., Aprea G., Giuliano G., et al. (2024).  Solanum pennellii (LA5240) backcross inbred lines (BILs) for high resolution mapping in tomato. Plant Journal.
De Cillis, A., Merla C., Monti G., Tarricone L., & Zappatore M. (2024).  High-Frequency Irreversible Electroporation: Optimum Parameter Prediction via Machine-Learning. IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology. 1–9.
Riccieri, A., Spagoni L., Ming L.I., Franchini P., Rossi M. N., Fratini E., et al. (2024).  Comparative genomics provides insights into molecular adaptation to hypermetamorphosis and cantharidin metabolism in blister beetles (Coleoptera: Meloidae). Integrative Zoology.
Cordelli, E., Ardoino L., Benassi B., Consales C., Eleuteri P., Marino C., et al. (2024).  Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure on male fertility: A systematic review of experimental studies on non-human mammals and human sperm in vitro. Environment International. 185,
Bergamasco, S., Fiaschini N., Hein L.A., Brecciaroli M., Vitali R., Romagnoli M., et al. (2024).  Electrospun PCL Filtration Membranes Enhanced with an Electrosprayed Lignin Coating to Control Wettability and Anti-Bacterial Properties. Polymers. 16,
Casciati, A., Taddei A. Rita, Rampazzo E., Persano L., Viola G., Cani A., et al. (2024).  Involvement of Mitochondria in the Selective Response to Microsecond Pulsed Electric Fields on Healthy and Cancer Stem Cells in the Brain. International journal of molecular sciences. 25,
Dalmastri, C., & Uccelli R. (2024).  Mortality from extreme meteorological and hydrogeological events in Italy: a rising health threat connected to climate change. Safety in Extreme Environments. 6, 173-181.
Cioni, E., De Leo M., Cacciola A., D'Angelo V., Germanò M. Paola, Camangi F., et al. (2024).  Re-discovering Prunus fruit varieties as antiangiogenic agents by metabolomic and bioinformatic approach. Food Chemistry. 435, 137574.
Fiaschini, N., Carnevali F., Van der Esch A., Vitali R., Mancuso M., Sulli M., et al. (2024).  Innovative Multilayer Electrospun Patches for the Slow Release of Natural Oily Extracts as Dressings to Boost Wound Healing. Pharmaceutics. 16(2), 159.