Produzione scientifica
Found 7566 results
Genetic polymorphism of cystic fibrosis and environmental Burkholderia cepacia complex isolates,
, Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, Volume 1, p.S54, (2002)
Genetic variability to the effects of heat stress during grain filling on durum wheat quality,
, Cereal Research Communications, Volume 30, Number 1-2, p.117-124, (2002)
Glutathione influences c-Myc-induced apoptosis in M14 human melanoma cells,
, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 277, Number 46, p.43763-43770, (2002)
Gradients of benthic-pelagic coupling and carbon budgets in the Adriatic and Northern Ionian Sea,
, Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 33-34, p.365-387, (2002)
Griseofulvin induces mitotic delay and aneuploidy in bone marrow cells of orally treated mice,
, Mutagenesis, Volume 17, Number 3, p.219-222, (2002)
Habitat associations of Euphorbia and Aphthona species from Europe: Development of predictive models for natural enemy release with ordination analysis,
, Biological Control, 2002///, Volume 23, p.1 - 17, (2002)
Heavy metals in urban soils: A case study from the city of Palermo (Sicily), Italy,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 300, Number 1-3, p.229-243, (2002)
The hedge as an element of functional biodiversity in vineyards of the hills around Perugia,
, Atti XIX Congr. Naz. Italiano di Entomologia, Catania, 10-15 Giugno 2002, 2002, p.486-492, (2002)
High incidence of medulloblastoma following X-ray-irradiation of newborn Ptc1 heterozygous mice,
, Oncogene, Volume 21, Number 49, p.7580-7584, (2002)
High-performance deep-ultraviolet optics for free-electron lasers,
, Applied Optics, Volume 41, Number 16, p.3236-3241, (2002)
High-reflectivity HfO2/SiO2 ultraviolet mirrors,
, Applied Optics, Volume 41, Number 16, p.3256-3261, (2002)
High-resolution in-situ structural measurements of the Li4/3Ti5/3O4 "zero-strain" insertion material,
, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Volume 106, Number 12, p.3082-3086, (2002)
hnRNP A1 nucleocytoplasmic shuttling activity is required for normal myelopoiesis and BCR/ABL leukemogenesis,
, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Volume 22, Number 7, p.2255-2266, (2002)
Hydrated iron phosphates FePO4·nH2O and Fe4(P2O7)3·n H2O as 3 V positive electrodes in rechargeable lithium batteries,
, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 149, Number 8, p.A1037-A1044, (2002)
The hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean region and implications for the water budget of the Mediterranean sea,
, Journal of Climate, Volume 15, Number 13, p.1674 – 1690, (2002)
I rock glacier tardo-pleistocenici ed oloceni dell'appennino -età, distribuzione, significato paleoclimatico,
, Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 15, Number 1, p.45-52, (2002)
Ice dynamics features and climatic surface parameters in East Antarctica from Terra Nova Bay to Talos Dome and Dome C: ITASE Italian traverses,
, Terra Antarctica, Volume 9, Number 1, p.47-54, (2002)
Identification and quantification of individual volatile organic compounds in a binary mixture by SAW multisensor array and pattern recognition analysis,
, Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 13, Number 6, p.846-858, (2002)
Identification of zygotic and nucellar seedlings in Citrus interploid crosses by means of isozymes, flow cytometry and ISSR-PCR,
, Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, 2002///, Volume 7, p.703 - 708, (2002)
Immobkilisation of engineered molecules on electrodes and optical surfaces,
, Materials Science and Engineering C, Volume 22, Number 2, p.257-261, (2002)
On the importance of spectral responsivity of Robertson-Berger-type ultraviolet radiometers for long-term observations,
, Photochemistry and Photobiology, Volume 76, Number 1, p.64-72, (2002)
In situ laser recrystallization of Si layers during low-pressure chemical vapor deposition: Recrystallization dynamics and influence of the seed layer,
, Journal of Materials Research, Volume 17, Number 11, p.2966-2973, (2002)
In surface segregation during growth of (In,Ga)N/GaN multiple quantum wells by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy,
, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 66, Number 16, p.1653221-1653226, (2002)
Influence of a low background radiation environment on biochemical and biological responses in V79 cells,
, Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, Volume 41, Number 3, p.217-224, (2002)