Produzione scientifica
Found 7566 results
Da Rio a Johannesburg: verso lo sviluppo sostenibile,
, Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione, 02/2003, Volume 2/03, p.15-37, (2003)
Dati sperimentali e valutazioni di cali di resa agricola all’accumulazione di elementi e composti potenzialmente tossici nel particolato atmosferico, nei suoli e nei prodotti alimentari,
, ARTEMISIA 2 - Uno strumento per valutare gli effetti abientali e sanitari degli inquinanti aeriformi emessi da insediamenti produttivi e per indirizzare la scelta di nuovi siti., (2003)
Desert aerosol in the Mediterranean,
, Mediterranean Climate: Variability and Trends, p.309-315, (2003)
Design and monitoring of photostability systems for amlodipine dosage forms.,
, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Jan-10-2003, Volume 265, Issue 1-2, p.125 - 132, (2003)
Detectability by photoacoustic spectroscopy of X-ray induced ethylene emission in mice breath,
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2003///, Volume 5147, p.219 - 225, (2003)
Development of a monoclonal antibody based potentiometric biosensor for terbuthylazine detection,
, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 2003///, Volume 95, p.315 - 320, (2003)
Distribution of 137Cs and other radioactive tracers in the eastern Mediterranean: Relationship ot the deepwater transient,
, Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans, Volume 108, Number 9, p.PBE 9-1 - 9-10, (2003)
The ecological role of hedges on population dynamics of Anagrus spp. (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in vineyards of Central Italy,
, IOBC wprs Bulletin, 2003, Volume 26, p.117-122, (2003)
Effects of 50 Hz Electromagnetic Field Exposure on Apoptosis and Differentiation in a Neuroblastoma Cell Line,
, Bioelectromagnetics, 2003///, Volume 24, p.510 - 516, (2003)
Effects of In Vivo Exposure to GSM-Modulated 900 MHz Radiation on Mouse Peripheral Lymphocytes,
, Radiation Research, Volume 160, Number 5, p.600-605, (2003)
Effects of lindane on oocyte maturation and preimplantation embryonic development in the mouse,
, Reproductive Toxicology, Volume 17, Number 3, p.299-303, (2003)
Electromagnetic Simulations through the PQE1 Hybrid Parallel Architecture,
, Practical Applications of Parallel Computing – 2002, Volume 12, New York, (2003)
Electronic materials via laser radiation,
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 5120, Wroclaw, p.564-576, (2003)
Engineering of flower color in forsythia by expression of two independently-transformed dihydroflavonol 4-reductase and anthocyanidin synthase genes of flavonoid pathway,
, Molecular Breeding, Volume 12, Number 3, p.197-208, (2003)
Engineering stable cytoplasmic intrabodies with designed specificity,
, Journal of Molecular Biology, Volume 330, Number 2, p.323-332, (2003)
Escherichia coli detection in vegetable food by a potentiometric biosensor,
, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 2003///, Volume 91, p.163 - 168, (2003)
Evaluation of DNA damage in different stages of mouse spermatogenesis after testicular X irradiation,
, Radiation Research, Volume 160, Number 4, p.443-451, (2003)
Evidence for cystine clustering in thermophilic proteomes,
, Trends in Genetics, Volume 19, Number 11, p.607-608, (2003)
On the existence of Arnold-stable barotropic flows on a rotating sphere,
, Physics of Fluids, Volume 15, Number 12, p.3879-3882, (2003)
Field evaluation of the attractancy of a synthetic male pheromone blend and of an extract of ripe coffee berries on wild and reared females of Medfly, Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae),
, IOBC WPRS BULLETIN, Volume 26, Number 6, p.79–84, (2003)
Flow cytometry, SSR and modified AFLP markers for the identification of zygotic plantlets in backcrosses between ’Femminello’ lemon cybrids (2n and 4n) and a diploid clone of ’Femminello’ lemon (Citrus limon L. Burm. F.) tolerant to mal secco dise,
, Plant Science, 2003///, Volume 164, p.1009 - 1017, (2003)
Genetic heterogeneity of megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy and subcortical cysts,
, Neurology, Volume 61, Number 4, p.534-537, (2003)
Geophysical survey at Talos Dome (East Antarctica),
, Terra Antartica Reports, Number 8, p.117-120, (2003)
Giorgio Fiocco: A jolly good fellow and his research,
, Annals of Geophysics, Volume 46, Number 2, p.173-184, (2003)
Gravitational mode calculation of basins discretized by orthogonal curvilinear grids,
, Ocean Engineering, Volume 30, Number 7, p.833-853, (2003)