Produzione scientifica
Found 7566 results
Molecular phylogeny analysis in eco-genotoxicological studies.,
, Prevention today, Volume 1, p.1-9, (2005)
Monthly variations in calix growth, polyp tissue, and density banding of the Mediterranean scleractinian Cladocora caespitosa (L.),
, Coral Reefs, Volume 24, Number 3, p.404-409, (2005)
Morphology and crystallinity of homoepitaxial (1 0 0)ZnTe: Interplay between ad-atom stoichiometry and defects nucleation during MOVPE,
, Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 275, Number 1-2, p.e1189-e1195, (2005)
Mount Melbourne quadrangle, Victoria Land, Antarctica 1: 250,000 (Antarctic geomorphological and glaciological map series),
, A Contribution to the Global Environment Monitoring Service (GEMS) and the International Hydrological Programme, Volume 8, p.38-40, (2005)
A multi-biomarker analysis of DNA damage in automobile painters,
, Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, Volume 46, Number 3, p.182-188, (2005)
Multilevel, room-temperature nanoimprint lithography for conjugated polymer-based photonics,
, Nano Letters, Volume 5, Number 10, p.1915-1919, (2005)
A multi-method approach to the study of the host specificity of Ceratapion basicorne Illiger (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), candidate biocontrol agent of yellow starthistle, Centaurea solstitialis L.(Asteraceae).,
, 13th EWRS Symposium, Bari, Italy, 19-23 June 2005., 2005, Volume Proceedings of the 13th EWRS Symposium, Bari, Italy, 19-23 June 2005., (2005)
A multiple sensor study for vegetation monitoring in Mediterranean areas.,
, 1st Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Processing in the Assessment and Monitoring of Land Degradation and Desertification, September 7th to 9th, 2005, Trier (Germany)., 09/2005, Trier (Germany), (2005)
Multi-transduction approach and data fusion for enhanced performance of features extraction in chemical sensing applications,
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 5855 PART I, Bruges, p.463-466, (2005)
Nanostructuring polymers by soft lithography templates realized via ion sputtering,
, Nanotechnology, Volume 16, Number 11, p.2714-2717, (2005)
Natural hedges as an element of functional biodiversity in agroecosystems: The case of a Central Italy vineyard,
, Bulletin of Insectology, 2005///, Volume 58, p.19 - 23, (2005)
N-dimensional geometries generated by hypercomplex numbers,
, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, Volume 15, Number 1, p.1-25, (2005)
NMR investigation of ionic liquid-LiX mixtures: Pyrrolidinium cations and TFSI anions,
, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Volume 109, Number 48, p.22814-22819, (2005)
Novel polymeric systems for lithium ion batteries gel electrolytes: II. Hybrid cross-linked poly(fluorosilicone-ethyleneoxide),
, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 50, Number 22, p.4396-4404, (2005)
Nubigidiella theresiae n. sp. from Abd al Kuri Island, Yemen (Crustacea Amphipoda, Bogidiellidae), with description of a new maxillipedal structure.,
, Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, Volume 29, p.39-45, (2005)
Numerical-experimental validation of a GM-FDTD code for the study of cellular phones,
, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Volume 47, Number 4, p.396-400, (2005)
Organic electrically bistable materials for non-volatile memory applications,
, Solid-State Electronics, Volume 49, Number 11 SPEC. ISS., p.1820-1825, (2005)
Organic-vapor detection using carbon-nanotubes nanocomposite microacoustic sensors,
, Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 409, Number 4-6, p.349-354, (2005)
PANI-CSA: An easy method to avoid ITO photolithography in PLED manufacturing,
, Macromolecular Symposia, Volume 228, p.263-272, (2005)
Particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Particulate Matter Emissions from Two-Wheel Motor Vehicles,
, SAE Technical Papers, Volume 2005-September, (2005)
Patterning polyacrylamide hydrogels by soft lithography,
, Nanotechnology, Volume 16, Number 5, p.S165-S170, (2005)
Piante ad alto valore aggiunto per la produzione di proteine ricombinanti di interesse farmaceutico,
, Agroindustria, Volume 4, (2005)
Plants as biofactories: Production of pharmaceutical recombinant proteins,
, In the wake of the double helix: from the green revolution to the gene revolution, p.577-593, (2005)
Pleural cancer mortality and compensated cases of asbestosis in Sardinia Region municipalities (1980-2000) [Mortalità per tumore maligno della pleura e casi indennizzati di asbestosi nei comuni della Sardegna (I 1980-2000).],
, Epidemiologia e prevenzione., Volume 29, Number 5-6 Suppl, p.57-62, (2005)
Polymer nanofibers by soft lithography,
, Applied Physics Letters, Volume 87, Number 12, p.1-3, (2005)