Produzione scientifica
Found 7566 results
Isolation of microsatellite markers in the tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus (Skuse),
, Molecular Ecology Notes, Volume 6, Number 3, p.880-881, (2006)
Isolation of microsatellite markers in the tiger mosquitos Aedes albopictus (Skuse),
, Molecula Ecology Notes, Volume 6, p.880-881, (2006)
The isopeptidase USP2a protects human prostate cancer from apoptosis,
, Cancer Research, Volume 66, Number 17, p.8625-8632, (2006)
La contaminazione dei suoli da “metalli pesanti”: problemi emergenti, nuovi approcci di studio e prospettive nell’analisi strumentale in campo,
, Rendiconti Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche e Naturali, Volume 124, p.1–30, (2006)
Laboratory evaluation of the bioinsecticide spinosad for mosquito control,
, Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 2006///, Volume 22, p.93 - 96, (2006)
Large-scale assessment of drought variability based on NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 re-analyses,
, Water Resources Management, Volume 20, Number 6, p.899-915, (2006)
Late Quaternary human settlement patterning in the Jebel Gharbi,
, Journal of Human Evolution, Volume 51, Number 4, p.411-421, (2006)
Linking DNA damage to medulloblastoma tumorigenesis in patched heterozygous knockout mice,
, Oncogene, Volume 25, Number 8, p.1165-1173, (2006)
Location of a new ice core site at Talos Dome (East Antarctica),
, Annals of Geophysics, Volume 49, Number 4-5, p.1133-1138, (2006)
Long term oxidation behaviour of liquid phase pressureless sintered SiC-AlN ceramics obtained without powder bed,
, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 26, Number 15, p.3407-3413, (2006)
Low energy pure shear milling: A method for the preparation of graphite nano-sheets,
, Scripta Materialia, Volume 55, Number 11, p.1047-1050, (2006)
Lutein is needed for efficient chlorophyll triplet quenching in the major LHCII antenna complex of higher plants and effective photoprotection in vivo under strong light,
, BMC Plant Biology, Volume 6, (2006)
Mechanisms and risk of chemically induced aneuploidy in mammalian germ cells,
, Current Pharmaceutical Design, Volume 12, Number 12, p.1489-1504, (2006)
The Mediterranean climate: An overview of the main characteristics and issues,
, Developments in Earth and Environmental Sciences, Volume 4, Number C, p.1-26, (2006)
Mercury levels in sediments of central Mediterranean Sea: A 150+ year record from box-cores recovered in the Strait of Sicily,
, Chemosphere, Volume 65, Number 11, p.2366-2376, (2006)
Messa a punto di processi di produzione su scala pre-industriale di lieviti antagonisti per la lotta biologica in post-raccolta.,
, p.44 pp, (2006)
Messa a punto di processi di produzione su scala pre-industriale di lieviti antagonisti per la lotta biologica in post-raccolta,
, Number ISSN 0393-3016, p.44 pp, (2006)
Metabolic engineering of flower color in ornamental plants: A novel route to a more colorful world,
, Journal of Crop Improvement, Volume 18, Number 1-2, p.301-324, (2006)
Metabolic engineering of potato tuber carotenoids through tuber-specific silencing of lycopene epsilon cyclase,
, BMC Plant Biology, Volume 6, (2006)
Metodi analitici a supporto delle attività di ricerca finalizzate alla produzione di idrogeno mediante il processo zolfo – iodio,
, Number 2006/18/BIOTEC, (2006)
Metodologie analitiche per la valutazione del rischio di esposizione a fitofarmaci per contatto cutaneo nelle attività di coltivazione in serra,
, Number 2006/15/BIOTEC, (2006)
Metodologie per la valutazione della biodisponibilità degli elementi tossici nel suolo,
, Number 2006/19/BIOTEC, (2006)
Microstructure, surface properties and hydrating behaviour of Mg-C composites prepared by ball milling with benzene,
, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 31, Number 14, p.2088-2096, (2006)
Monitoraggio di inquinanti aerodispersi nei Comuni di Potenza e Tito e valutazione degli effetti nocivi sull’agroecosistema,
, XXIII giornata dell’Ambiente “Qualità dell’Aria nelle Città Italiane” - Roma, 6 giugno 2005, Roma, (2006)
Monitoring the Prestige oil spill impacts on some key species of the Northern Iberian shelf,
, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 53, Number 5-7, p.332-349, (2006)