Produzione scientifica
Found 31 results
Filtri: Parola Chiave is Annealing [Clear All Filters]
Long-term structural stability of PMMA-based gel polymer electrolytes,
, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 43, Number 10-11, p.1435-1439, (1998)
Microstructural evolution of Al-Fe powder mixtures during high-energy ball milling,
, Journal of Materials Science, Volume 33, Number 10, p.2519-2527, (1998)
Large area a-Si/a-Si tandem module with 9.1% conversion efficiency,
, Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA, p.707-710, (1997)
Process development of amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon solar cells,
, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 48, Number 1-4, p.15-24, (1997)
Anelastic relaxations in aluminium with ultrafine grain structure,
, Journal De Physique. IV : JP, Volume 6, Number 8, p.C8-345-C8-348, (1996)
Efficiency improvement of a-Si solar cells deposited in a single chamber, large area, PECVD reactor,
, Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Volume 420, San Francisco, CA, USA, p.15-20, (1996)