Produzione scientifica
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Filtri: Parola Chiave is South America [Clear All Filters]
Ultrastructure of the Spermiogenesis in Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae): X-Irradiation and New Insights on the Centriolar Region Organization,
, Insects, Volume 15, Number 7, (2024)
Geographic provenance of aeolian dust in East Antarctica during Pleistocene glaciations: preliminary results from Talos Dome and comparison with East Antarctic and new Andean ice core data,
, Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 29, Number 1-2, p.256-264, (2010)
Characterization of the organic composition of aerosols from Rondônia, Brazil, during the LBA-SMOCC 2002 experiment and its representation through model compounds,
, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 6, Number 2, p.375-402, (2006)
Importance of the organic aerosol fraction for modeling aerosol hygroscopic growth and activation: A case study in the Amazon Basin,
, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 5, Number 11, p.3111-3126, (2005)
A proposition for multitemporal analysis of soil use at mato-grossense swampy (swampy area) [Proposta para análise multitemporal do uso do solo no pantanal mato-grossense],
, Boletim Paranaense de Geosciencias, Number 46, p.123-130, (1998)