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Pubblicazioni della Divisione Biotecnologie

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Biotecnologie attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Totale
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 57 57 45 43 52 50 48 60 59 33 504
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 1 1 2
Presentazione a Congresso 6 6 4 14 6 5 1 3 45
Monografia 2 2 2 1 1 1 9
Brevetto 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 11
Manoscritto 2 2
Atti di Congresso 1 1 1 3
Capitolo di Monografia 1 3 4
Totale 64 66 59 60 60 58 50 65 64 34 580
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Pazzaglia, S., Tanno B., Antonelli F., Giardullo P., Babini G., Subedi P., et al. (2021).  Out-of-Field Hippocampus from Partial-Body Irradiated Mice Displays Changes in Multi-Omics Profile and Defects in Neurogenesis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22(8), 4290.
Cicchetti, R., Pisa S., Piuzzi E., Pittella E., D'Atanasio P., & Testa O. (2021).  Numerical and Experimental Comparison Among a New Hybrid FT-Music Technique and Existing Algorithms for Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.
Randazzo, A., Ponti C., Fedeli A., Estatico C., D'Atanasio P., Pastorino M., et al. (2021).  A Two-Step Inverse-Scattering Technique in Variable-Exponent Lebesgue Spaces for Through-the-Wall Microwave Imaging: Experimental Results. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
Rosado, M.M., & Pioli C. (2021).  ADP-ribosylation in evasion, promotion and exacerbation of immune responses. Immunology.
Mahmoud, A., Mancuso M., Tanno B., Bakar M.Z.A., Hamzah H., & Noor M.H.M. (2021).  mRNA expression of somatostatin eeceptors (1-5) in MCF7 and MDA-MB231 breast cancer cells. International Journal of Current Research and Review. 13, 9-13.
Dolezel, J., Lucretti S., Molnár I., Cápal P., & Giorgi D. (2021).  Chromosome analysis and sorting. Cytometry Part A.
Marusic, C., Touzani C.D., Bortolami A., Donini M., Zanardello C., Lico C., et al. (2021).  The expression in plants of an engineered VP2 protein of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus induces formation of structurally heterogeneous particles that protect from a very virulent viral strain. PLoS ONE. 16,
Montano, L., Ceretti E., Donato F., Bergamo P., Zani C., Viola G.C.V., et al. (2021).  Effects of a Lifestyle Change Intervention on Semen Quality in Healthy Young Men Living in Highly Polluted Areas in Italy: The FASt Randomized Controlled Trial. European Urology Focus.
Tabacchioni, S., Passato S., Ambrosino P., Huang L., Caldara M., Cantale C., et al. (2021).  Identification of beneficial microbial consortia and bioactive compounds with potential as plant biostimulants for a sustainable agriculture. Microorganisms. 9, 1-23.
Tanori, M., Casciati A., Zambotti A., Pinto R., Gianlorenzi I., Pannicelli A., et al. (2021).  Microsecond Pulsed Electric Fields: An Effective Way to Selectively Target and Radiosensitize Medulloblastoma Cancer Stem Cells. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics.
Galbraith, D., Loureiro J., Antoniadi I., Bainard J., Bureš P., Cápal P., et al. (2021).  Best practices in plant cytometry. Cytometry Part A.
Pasqual, E., Boussin F., Bazyka D., Nordenskjold A., Yamada M., Ozasa K., et al. (2021).  Cognitive effects of low dose of ionizing radiation – Lessons learned and research gaps from epidemiological and biological studies. Environment International. 147,
Ainsbury, E. A., Dalke C., Hamada N., Benadjaoud M. Amine, Chumak V., Ginjaume M., et al. (2021).  Radiation-induced lens opacities: Epidemiological, clinical and experimental evidence, methodological issues, research gaps and strategy . Environment International. 146, 106213.
Cain, D. W., Bortner C. D., Diaz-Jimenez D., Petrillo M. Grazia, Gruver-Yates A., & Cidlowski J. A. (2020).  Murine glucocorticoid receptors orchestrate b cell migration selectively between bone marrow and blood. Journal of Immunology. 205, 619 – 629.
Diaz-Jimenez, D., Petrillo M. Grazia, Busada J. T., Hermoso M. A., & Cidlowski J. A. (2020).  Glucocorticoids mobilize macrophages by transcriptionally up-regulating the exopeptidase DPP4. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 295, 3213 – 3227.
Cari, L., Montanucci P., Basta G., Petrillo M. Grazia, Ricci E., Pescara T., et al. (2020).  Microencapsulated G3C hybridoma cell graft delays the onset of spontaneous diabetes in NOD mice by an expansion of GITR1 Treg cells. Diabetes. 69, 965 – 980.
Buonocore, F., Gerdol M., Pallavicini A., Stocchi V., Randelli E., Belardinelli M.C., et al. (2020).  Identification, molecular characterization and functional analysis of interleukin (IL)-2 and IL-2like (IL-2L) cytokines in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). Cytokine. 126,
Grinzato, A., Kandiah E., Lico C., Betti C., Baschieri S., & Zanotti G. (2020).  Atomic structure of potato virus X, the prototype of the Alphaflexiviridae family. Nature Chemical Biology. 16(5), 564 - 569.
Demurtas, O C., Massa S., Illiano E., De Martinis D., Chan PKS., Di Bonito P., et al. (2020).  Antigen Production in Plant to Tackle Infectious Diseases Flare Up: The Case of SARS. LID-54. Frontiers in Plant Science.
Xu, Z., Xu Z., Pu X., Gao R., Demurtas O C., Fleck S.J., et al. (2020).  Tandem gene duplications drive divergent evolution of caffeine and crocin biosynthetic pathways in plants. BMC Biology. 18, 1–14.
Franconi, R., Giuliano G., Marino C., Demurtas O C., & Triggiani D. (2020).  Composto per il Trattamento di una Glicogenosi.
Marino, C., Pinto R., Tanori M., Mancuso M., Casciati A., Merla C., et al. (2020).  Sistema per il Trattamento di un Tumore.
Ronga, D., Laviano L., Catellani M., Milc J., Prandi B., Boukid F., et al. (2020).  Influence of environmental and genetic factors on content of toxic and immunogenic wheat gluten peptides. European Journal of Agronomy. 118, 126091.
Taranto, F., D’Agostino N., Catellani M., Laviano L., Ronga D., Milc J., et al. (2020).  Characterization of Celiac Disease-Related Epitopes and Gluten Fractions, and Identification of Associated Loci in Durum Wheat. Agronomy. 10(9), 1231.
Gomez-Gomez, L., Diretto G., Ahrazem O., & Al-Babili S. (2020).  Determination of In Vitro and In Vivo Activities of Plant Carotenoid Cleavage Oxygenases. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2083, 63-74.
Martí, M., Diretto G., Aragonés V., Frusciante S., Ahrazem O., Gomez-Gomez L., et al. (2020).  Efficient production of saffron crocins and picrocrocin in Nicotiana benthamiana using a virus-driven system. Metabolic Engineering. 61, 238-250.
Dono, G., Rambla J.L., Frusciante S., Granell A., Diretto G., & Mazzucato A. (2020).  Color mutations alter the biochemical composition in the san marzano tomato fruit. Metabolites. 10,
Fratantonio, D., Virgili F., & Benassi B. (2020).  Diet and Epigenetics: Dietary Effects on DNA Methylation, Histone Remodeling and mRNA Stability. Comprehensive Foodomics. 364-379.
Muzzi, M., Di Giulio A., Mancini E., Fratini E., Cervelli M., Gasperi T., et al. (2020).  The male reproductive accessory glands of the blister beetle Meloe proscarabaeus Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera: Meloidae): Anatomy and ultrastructure of the cantharidin-storing organs. Arthropod Structure & Development. 59, 100980.
Leonetti, A., Baroli G., Fratini E., Pietropaoli S., Marcoli M., Mariottini P., et al. (2020).  Epileptic seizures and oxidative stress in a mouse model over‑expressing spermine oxidase. Amino Acids. 52(2), 129 - 139.
Rage, E., Marusic C., Lico C., Salzano A. M., Scaloni A., Baschieri S., et al. (2020).  Optimisation of PD-FcY veterinary antigen secretion from Nicotiana benthamiana hairy roots and purification from the culture medium. PLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE. 142, 23–39.
Catellani, M., Lico C., Cerasi M., Massa S., Bromuro C., Torosantucci A., et al. (2020).  Optimised production of an anti-fungal antibody in Solanaceae hairy roots to develop new formulations against Candida albicans. BMC BIOTECHNOLOGY. 20,
Benincasa, P., D'Amato R., Falcinelli B., Troni E., Fontanella M. C., Frusciante S., et al. (2020).  Grain endogenous selenium and moderate salt stress work as synergic elicitors in the enrichment of bioactive compounds in maize sprouts. AGRONOMY. 10,
Teixeira, A., Martins V., Frusciante S., Cruz T., Noronha H., Diretto G., et al. (2020).  Flavescence Dorée-Derived Leaf Yellowing in Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Is Associated to a General Repression of Isoprenoid Biosynthetic Pathways. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE. 11,
Diretto, G., Frusciante S., Fabbri C., Schauer N., Busta L., Wang Z., et al. (2020).  Manipulation of β-carotene levels in tomato fruits results in increased ABA content and extended shelf life. PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL. 18, 1185-1199.
Menzel, C., Gonzalez-Martinez C., Vilaplana F., Diretto G., & Chiralt A. (2020).  Incorporation of natural antioxidants from rice straw into renewable starch films. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES. 146, 976–986.
Garcia-Dominguez, X., Marco-Jiménez F., Penaranda D. S., Diretto G., Garcia-Carpintero V., Canizares J., et al. (2020).  Long-term and transgenerational phenotypic, transcriptional and metabolic effects in rabbit males born following vitrified embryo transfer. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 10,
Marco-Jiménez, F., Garcia-Dominguez X., Dominguez-martinez M., Viudes-de-castro M. P., Diretto G., Penaranda D. S., et al. (2020).  Effect of embryo vitrification on the steroid biosynthesis of liver tissue in rabbit offspring. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 21, 1–18.
Ambrosino, L., Colantuono C., Diretto G., Fiore A., & Chiusano M. L. (2020).  Bioinformatics resources for plant abiotic stress responses: State of the art and opportunities in the fast evolving-omics era. PLANTS. 9,
Garcia-Sanchez, T., De Angelis A., Apollonio F., Liberti M., Mir L.M., & Merla C. (2020).  The Frequency Dependent Response of Sinewave Electropermeabilization. 2020 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference, IMBioC 2020.
Sacco, G., D'Atanasio P., & Pisa S. (2020).  A Wideband Series Fed Patch Array with Side Lobe Level Control. 2020 33rd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, URSI GASS 2020.
Cicchetti, R., Cicchetti V., Costanzo S., D'Atanasio P., Fedeli A., Pastorino M., et al. (2020).  A Microwave Imaging System for the Detection of Targets Hidden behind Dielectric Walls. 2020 33rd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, URSI GASS 2020.
Sacco, G., D'Atanasio P., & Pisa S. (2020).  A Wideband and Low-Sidelobe Series-Fed Patch Array at 5.8 GHz for Radar Applications. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 19, 9–13.
Testa, A., Patrono C., Palma V., Kenzhina L., Mamyrbayeva A., Biyakhmetova D., et al. (2020).  NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) project “BioPhyMeTRE”: “Novel biological and physical methods for triage in radiological and nuclear (R/N) emergencies”. Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C. 43,
Lico, C., Santi L., Baschieri S., Noris E., Marusic C., Donini M., et al. (2020).  Plant Molecular Farming as a Strategy Against COVID-19 – The Italian Perspective. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11,
Cirotti, C., Rizza S., Giglio P., Poerio N., Allega M.F., Claps G., et al. (2020).  Redox activation of ATM enhances GSNOR translation to sustain mitophagy and tolerance to oxidative stress. EMBO Reports.
Miozzi, C., Panunzio N., Stendardo G., Vivarelli C., Giovannetti A., MacCiantelli G., et al. (2020).  Sub-dermal battery-less wireless sensor for the automatic monitoring of cattle fever. 2020 33rd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, URSI GASS 2020.
Consales, C., Butera A., Merla C., Pasquali E., Lopresto V., Pinto R., et al. (2020).  Exposure of the SH-SY5Y Human Neuroblastoma Cells to 50-Hz Magnetic Field: Comparison Between Two-Dimensional (2D) and Three-Dimensional (3D) In Vitro Cultures. Molecular Neurobiology.
Sestili, F., Margiotta B., Vaccino P., Moscaritolo S., Giorgi D., Lucretti S., et al. (2020).  A cross between bread wheat and a 2D(2R) disomic substitution triticale line leads to the formation of a novel disomic addition line and provides information of the role of rye secalins on breadmaking characteristics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21, 1-18.
Cagatay, S.T., Mayah A., Mancuso M., Giardullo P., Pazzaglia S., Saran A., et al. (2020).  Phenotypic and functional characteristics of exosomes derived from irradiated mouse organs and their role in the mechanisms driving non-targeted effects. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21, 1-25.