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Sarah Frusciante

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Chemical composition and sensory profile of the Italian espresso coffee powder and beverage under different roasting conditions, Carcea, M., Danesi I., De Gara L., Diretto Gianfranco, Fanali C., Raffo A., Sinesio F., S. Posta Della, Frusciante Sarah, Moneta E., et al. , European Food Research and Technology, (2023)
Crocins-rich tomato extracts showed enhanced protective effects in vitro, Morote, L., Lobato-Gómez M., Ahrazem O., Argandoña J., Olmedilla-Alonso B., López-Jiménez A.J., Diretto Gianfranco, Cuciniello R., Bergamo P., Frusciante Sarah, et al. , Journal of Functional Foods, Volume 101, (2023)
Deregulation of ζ-carotene desaturase in Arabidopsis and tomato exposes a unique carotenoid-derived redundant regulation of floral meristem identity and function, McQuinn, R.P., Leroux J., Sierra J., Escobar-Tovar L., Frusciante Sarah, Finnegan E.J., Diretto Gianfranco, Giuliano Giovanni, Giovannoni J.J., León P., et al. , Plant Journal, (2023)
Engineering the production of crocins and picrocrocin in heterologous plant systems, Gomez-Gomez, L., Morote L., Fajardo C.M., Rubio-Moraga A., Frusciante Sarah, Diretto Gianfranco, and Ahrazem O. , Industrial Crops and Products, Volume 194, (2023)
The grapevine metabolite profile of phloem sap is modified by flavescence dorée, Teixeira, A., Noronha H., Frusciante Sarah, Diretto Gianfranco, and Geros H. , Oeno One, Volume 57, Number 1, p.307-320, (2023)
A metabolome and transcriptome survey to tap the dynamics of fruit prolonged shelf-life and improved quality within Greek tomato germplasm, Mellidou, I., Koukounaras A., Frusciante Sarah, Rambla J.L., Patelou E., Ntoanidou S., Pons C., Kostas S., Nikoloudis K., Granell A., et al. , Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 14, (2023)
Modulation of Caecal Microbiota and Metabolome Profile in Salmonella-Infected Broilers by Phage Therapy, Lorenzo-Rebenaque, Laura, Casto-Rebollo Cristina, Diretto Gianfranco, Frusciante Sarah, Rodríguez Juan Carlos, Ventero María-Paz, Molina-Pardines Carmen, Vega Santiago, Marin Clara, and Marco-Jiménez Francisco , International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Volume 24, Number 20, (2023)
Role in Phenylpropanoid Biosynthesis of the Grapevine Plastidic Phosphoenolpyruvate Translocator VviPPT1, Silva, Angélica, Noronha Henrique, Ricci Dorotea, Frusciante Sarah, Diretto Gianfranco, Conde Carlos, Granell Antonio, and Gerós Hernâni , Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, (2023)
A soil fungus confers plant resistance against a phytophagous insect by disrupting the symbiotic role of its gut microbiota, Di Lelio, Ilaria, Forni Giobbe, Magoga Giulia, Brunetti Matteo, Bruno Daniele, Becchimanzi Andrea, De Luca Maria G., Sinno Martina, Barra Eleonora, Bonelli Marco, et al. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Jul-03-2023, Volume 120, Issue 10, (2023)
A xanthophyll-derived apocarotenoid regulates carotenogenesis in tomato chromoplasts, D'Ambrosio, C., Stigliani A.L., Rambla J.L., Frusciante Sarah, Diretto Gianfranco, Enfissi E.M.A., Granell A., Fraser P.D., and Giorio G. , Plant Science, Volume 328, (2023)
Biosynthesis of Chlorophyll and Other Isoprenoids in the Plastid of Red Grape Berry Skins, Teixeira, A., Noronha H., Frusciante Sarah, Diretto Gianfranco, and Geros H. , Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Volume 71, Number 4, p.1873-1885, (2022)
Engineering high levels of saffron apocarotenoids in tomato, Ahrazem, O., Diretto Gianfranco, Rambla J.L., Rubio-Moraga A., Lobato-Gómez M., Frusciante Sarah, Argandoña J., Presa S., Granell A., and Gomez-Gomez L. , Horticulture Research, Volume 9, (2022)
Examining the effects of Salmonella phage on the caecal microbiota and metabolome features in Salmonella-free broilers, Lorenzo-Rebenaque, L., Casto-Rebollo C., Diretto Gianfranco, Frusciante Sarah, Rodríguez J.C., Ventero M.-P., Molina-Pardines C., Vega S., Marin C., and Marco-Jiménez F. , Frontiers in Genetics, Volume 13, (2022)
Fortification and bioaccessibility of saffron apocarotenoids in potato tubers, Gómez, Lourdes Gómez, Morote Lucía, Frusciante Sarah, Rambla Jose Luis, Diretto Gianfranco, Niza Enrique, López-Jimenez Alberto José, Mondejar María, Rubio-Moraga Ángela, Argandoña Javier, et al. , Frontiers in Nutrition, Jun-11-2024, Volume 9, (2022)
Gut–Brain Axis: Insights from Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Brain Tumor Development in a Mouse Model of Experimental Colitis Induced by Dextran Sodium Sulfate, Vitali, Roberta, Prioreschi C., L. Rebenaque Lorenzo, Colantoni Eleonora, Giovannini Daniela, Frusciante Sarah, Diretto Gianfranco, Marco-Jiménez F., Mancuso Mariateresa, Casciati Arianna, et al. , International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Volume 23, Number 19, (2022)
Heterologous expression of Bixa orellana cleavage dioxygenase 4-3 drives crocin but not bixin biosynthesis, Frusciante, Sarah, Demurtas Olivia Costantina, Sulli Maria, Mini P., Aprea Giuseppe, Diretto Gianfranco, Karcher D., Bock R., and Giuliano Giovanni , Plant Physiology, Volume 188, Number 3, p.1469-1482, (2022)
Pigment-Related Mutations Greatly Affect Berry Metabolome in San Marzano Tomatoes, Dono, G., Rambla J.L., Frusciante Sarah, Fabene E., Gómez-Cadenas A., Granell A., Diretto Gianfranco, and Mazzucato A. , Horticulturae, Volume 8, Number 2, (2022)
VviRafS5 Is a Raffinose Synthase Involved in Cold Acclimation in Grapevine Woody Tissues, Noronha, H., Silva A., Silva T., Frusciante Sarah, Diretto Gianfranco, and Geros H. , Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 12, (2022)