The Laboratory of Health and Environment (SAM) deals with the impact of environmental factors on the aetiopathogenesis of human chronic diseases and aging. By taking advantage of an integrated in vivo-in vitro-in silico (molecular dynamics) experimental approach, the laboratory explores the cellular and molecular mechanisms –with a particular focus on epigenetics- underlying the interaction between the environment and the biological systems. The Laboratory can also offer multiple expertise for epidemiological studies and risk assessment analysis in order to evaluate the environmental impact on human health.
Structure - Divisione Biotecnologie
Division Biotechnologies
The biotechnology laboratory are focused on research, development and transfer activities in the fields of new biotechnologies for molecular diagnostics of agri-food productions: green biotech, red biotech and nano-biotech.
The biotechnologies research areas are developed by biotechnology platform for the application of “omic” sciences to agri-food diagnostics and the improvement of cultivated plants and biotechnology platform for the formulation of new generation, plant-produced biopharmaceuticals and vaccines.