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Caterina Merla

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Found 109 results
Filtri: Autore is Caterina Merla
Effects of exposure to gradient magnetic fields emitted by nuclear magnetic resonance devices on clonogenic potential and proliferation of human hematopoietic stem cells, Iachininoto, M.G., Camisa V., Leone L., Pinto Rosanna, Lopresto Vanni, Merla Caterina, Giorda E., Carsetti R., Zaffina S., Podda M.V., et al. , Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 37, Number 4, p.201-211, (2016)
Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field (ELF-MF) Exposure Sensitizes SH-SY5Y Cells to the Pro-Parkinson's Disease Toxin MPP(.)., Benassi, Barbara, Filomeni Giuseppe, Montagna Costanza, Merla Caterina, Lopresto Vanni, Pinto Rosanna, Marino Carmela, and Consales Claudia , Mol Neurobiol, 2016 08, Volume 53, Issue 6, p.4247-4260, (2016)
Magnetoliposomes: Envisioning new strategies for water decontamination, Petralito, S, Paolicelli P, Nardoni M, Apollonio F, Liberti M, Merla Caterina, Pinto Rosanna, Casadei M.A, and Annesini M.C. , Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 47, p.37-42, (2016)
Microchambers for cell exposure: From the design to applications, Denzi, A., Merla Caterina, Casciola M., Hwang J.C.M., Cheng X., Apollonio F., and Liberti M. , Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, Volume 2016-October, p.4232-4235, (2016)
A Microdosimetric Study of Electropulsation on Multiple Realistically Shaped Cells: Effect of Neighbours., Denzi, Agnese, Camera Francesca, Merla Caterina, Benassi Barbara, Consales Claudia, Paffi Alessandra, Apollonio Francesca, and Liberti Micaela , J Membr Biol, 2016 10, Volume 249, Issue 5, p.691-701, (2016)
A Microdosimetric Study of Electropulsation on Multiple Realistically Shaped Cells: Effect of Neighbours, Denzi, A., Camera Francesca, Merla Caterina, Benassi Barbara, Consales Claudia, Paffi A., Apollonio F., and Liberti M. , Journal of Membrane Biology, Volume 249, Number 5, p.691-701, (2016)
A microdosimetry study for a realistic shaped nucleus, Denzi, A., Escobar J.A.A., Nasta C., Merla Caterina, Benassi Barbara, Consales Claudia, Apollonio F., and Liberti M. , Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, Volume 2016-October, p.4189-4192, (2016)
A microdosimetry study for a realistic shaped nucleus., Denzi, A, Escobar J A. A., Nasta C, Merla Caterina, Benassi Barbara, Consales Claudia, Apollonio F, and Liberti M , Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2016 08, Volume 2016, p.4189-4192, (2016)
Reproducible sensing of individual biological cells by broadband microwave signals, Ning, Y., Multari C.R., Luo X., Palego C., Cheng X., Hwang J.C.M., Denzi A., Apollonio F., Liberti M., and Merla Caterina , 2014 IEEE Benjamin Franklin Symposium on Microwave and Antenna Subsystems for Radar, Telecommunication, and Biomedical Applications, BenMAS 2016, (2016)
A Wideband Microwave Exposure Setup for Suspended Cells Cultures: Numerical and Experimental em Characterization, Collin, A., Merla Caterina, Perrin A., Arnaud-Cormos D., and Leveque P. , IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Volume 15, p.278-281, (2016)
Broadband electrical detection of individual biological cells, Ning, Y., Multari C., Luo X., Palego C., Cheng X., Hwang J.C.M., Denzi A., Merla Caterina, Apollonio F., and Liberti M. , IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 62, Number 9, p.1905-1911, (2014)
Cell detection by a microfluidic-integrated broadband biosensor, Multari, C., Ning Y., Luo X., Palego C., Denzi A., Merla Caterina, Apollonio F., Liberti M., Hwang J.C.M., and Cheng X. , Technical Proceedings of the 2014 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech 2014, Volume 2, p.101-104, (2014)
Controlled release from magnetoliposomes aqueous suspensions exposed to a low intensity magnetic field, Spera, R., Petralito S., Liberti M., Merla Caterina, d'Inzeo G., Pinto Rosanna, and Apollonio F. , Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 35, Number 4, p.309-312, (2014)
Broadband microchamber for electrical detection of live and dead biological cells, Palego, C., Merla Caterina, Ning Y., Multari C.R., Cheng X., Molinero D.G., Ding G., Luo X., and Hwang J.C.M. , IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, (2013)
A comparative analysis between customized and commercial systems for complex permittivity measurements on liquid samples at microwave frequencies, Piuzzi, E., Merla Caterina, Cannazza G., Zambotti Alessandro, Apollonio F., Cataldo Andrea, D'Atanasio Paolo, De Benedetto E., and Liberti M. , IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, may, Volume 62, Number 5, Graz, Austria, p.1034-1046, (2013)
Complex magnetic field exposure system for in vitro experiments at intermediate frequencies, Lodato, R., Merla Caterina, Pinto Rosanna, Mancini S., Lopresto Vanni, and Lovisolo G.A. , Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 34, Number 3, p.211-219, (2013)
Coplanar stripline microchamber for electrical detection of live and dead biological cells, Ning, Y., Multari C., Luo X., Palego C., Molinero D., Cheng X., Hwang J.C.M., and Merla Caterina , European Microwave Week 2013, EuMW 2013 - Conference Proceedings; EuMC 2013: 43rd European Microwave Conference, p.475-478, (2013)
Fast, compact and label-free electrical detection of live and dead single cells, Ning, Y., Multari C.R., Luo X., Merla Caterina, Palego C., Cheng X., and Hwang J.C.M. , 2013 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications, IMWS-BIO 2013 - Proceedings, (2013)
Feasibility for microwaves energy to affect biological systems via nonthermal mechanisms: A systematic approach, Apollonio, F., Liberti M., Paffi A., Merla Caterina, Marracino P., Denzi A., Marino Carmela, and d'Inzeo G. , IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 61, Number 5, p.2031-2045, (2013)
Microdosimetric study for nanosecond pulsed electric fields on a cell circuit model with nucleus, Denzi, A., Merla Caterina, Camilleri P., Paffi A., d'Inzeo G., Apollonio F., and Liberti M. , Journal of Membrane Biology, Volume 246, Number 10, p.761-767, (2013)
Microwave exposure systems for in vivo biological experiments: A systematic review, Paffi, A., Merla Caterina, Pinto Rosanna, Lovisolo G.A., Liberti M., Marino Carmela, Repacholi M., and Apollonio F. , IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 61, Number 5, p.1980-1993, (2013)