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Further results on cerium fluoride crystals

TitleFurther results on cerium fluoride crystals
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsAnderson, S., Auffray E., Aziz T., Baccaro S., Banerjee S., Bareyre P., Barone L.E., Borgia B., Boutet D., Burq J.P., Chemarin M., Chipaux R., Dafinei I., D'Atanasio Paolo, De Notaristefani F., Dezillie B., Dujardin C., Dutta S., Faure J.L., Fay J., Ferrère D., Francescangeli O., Fuchs B.A., Ganguli S.N., Gillespie G., Goyot M., Gupta S.K., Gurtu A., Heck J., Hervé A., Hillemanns H., Holdener F., Ille B., Jönsson L., Kierstead J., Krenz W., Kway W., Le Goff J.M., Lebeau M., Lebrun P., Lecoq P., Lemoigne Y., Loomis G., Lubelsmeyer K., Madjar N., Majni G., H. Mamouni El, Mangla S., Mares J.A., Martin J.P., Mattioli M., Mauger G.J., Mazumdar K., Mengucci P., Merlo J.P., Moine B., Nikl N., Pansart J.P., Pedrini C., Poinsignon J., Polak K., Raghavan R., Rebourgeard P., Rinaldi D., Rosa J., Rosowsky A., Sahuc P., Samsonov V., Sarkar S., Schegelski V., Schmitz D., Schneegans M., Seliverstov D., Stoll S., Sudhakar K., Svensson A., Tonwar S.C., Topa V., Vialle J.P., Vivargent M., Wallraff W., Weber M.J., Winter N., Woody C., Wuest C.R., and Yanovski V.
JournalNuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A
KeywordsBeam luminosity, Calorimeters, Cerium compounds, Cerium fluoride, Crystals, Neutrons, Particle accelerators, Particle detectors, Photodiodes, Radiation damage

A systematic investigation of the properties of cerium fluoride monocrystals has been performed by the "Crystal Clear" collaboration in view of a p. © 1993.


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Citation KeyAnderson1993373