- Persone
- Mirella Tanori
Mirella Tanori

Research scientist
ENEA Centro Ricerche Casaccia
Via Anguillarese, 301
(+39) 06 3048 4012
(+39) 06 3048 3644
Mirella is a researcher at the Laboratory of Biomedical Technologies of ENEA since 2009. She has a broad expertise in cellular and molecular biology. Her main research interest is related to the study of molecular mechanisms underlying radiation-induced tumorigenesis with particular attention in the involvement of DNA repair genes in this process. More recently her principal activity is focused on the identification of a new therapeutic strategies to radiosensitize brain tumors targeting cancer stem cells, responsible of resistance to conventional therapy.
Her recent research interest also involves the study of normal tissue response to low radiation doses exposure and the induction of non-cancer diseases.