Produzione Scientifica
Found 7579 results
Rapid soft lithography by bottom-up enhanced capillarity,
, Langmuir, Volume 20, Number 12, p.4802-4804, (2004)
Recent advances in neutrinoless double beta decay search,
, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, Volume 54, Number 12, p.1413-1449, (2004)
Recognition of adulteration of Italian wines by thin-film multisensor array and artificial neural networks,
, Analytica Chimica Acta, Volume 509, Number 2, p.159-177, (2004)
Refolding of the Cupressus arizonica major pollen allergen Cup a1.02 overexpressed in Escherichia coli.,
, Protein expression and purification, 2004 Oct, Volume 37, p.419-25, (2004)
Review of ozone and temperature lidar validations performed within the framework of the Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change,
, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, Volume 6, Number 9, p.721-733, (2004)
River discharge into the Mediterranean sea: Climatology and aspects of the observed variability,
, Journal of Climate, Volume 17, Number 24, p.4740 – 4751, (2004)
Role of p53 and Bcl-2 in advanced rectal carcinomas treated with adjuvant therapy,
, Journal of Chemotherapy, Volume 16, Number SUPPL. 5, p.11-14, (2004)
Role of the ERK-mediated signaling pathway in mesenchyme formation and differentiation in the sea urchin embryo.,
, Dev Biol, 2004 Apr 15, Volume 268, Issue 2, p.384-402, (2004)
A safe, low-Cost, and sustainable lithium-ion polymer battery,
, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 151, Number 12, p.A2138-A2142, (2004)
Sea urchin embryotoxicity test: Proposal for a simplified bioassay,
, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Volume 57, Number 2, p.123-128, (2004)
Self-assembled extracellular matrix protein networks by microcontact printing,
, Biomaterials, Volume 25, Number 7-8, p.1349-1353, (2004)
Short time dissolved oxygen dynamics in shallow water ecosystems,
, Ecological Modelling, Volume 179, Number 3, p.297-306, (2004)
Silicon Avalanche Photodiodes Evaluation for Low-Energy Single-Photon Scintillation Readout,
, Eurosensors XVIII, (2004)
Space geodesy as a tool for measuring ice surface velocity in the Dome C region and along the ITASE traverse,
, Annals of Glaciology, Volume 39, p.402-408, (2004)
Spatial and temporal distribution of environmental markers from coastal to plateau areas in Antarctica by firn core chemical analysis,
, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Volume 84, Number 6-7, p.457-470, (2004)
Spatial variation in the recruitment of the intertidal barnacles Chthamalus montagui Southward and Chthamalus stellatus (Poli) (Crustacea: Cirripedia) over an European scale,
, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Volume 304, Number 2, p.243-264, (2004)
Strategies for the biological control of Planococcus ficus (Signoret) in organic table grape.,
, Crop protection management in Mediterranean Organic Agriculture, p.11, (2004)
A strawberry EST database for evaluating fruit quality traits and selecting improved genotypes through cDNA microarrays,
, Acta Horticulturae, Volume 663, p.283-290, (2004)
Structural and magnetic properties of Fe-Al silica composites prepared by sequential ion implantation,
, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 216, Number 1-4, Strasbourg, p.245-250, (2004)
Structural and morphological investigation of Langmuir-Blodgett SWCNT/behenic acid multilayers,
, Carbon, Volume 42, Number 5-6, Strasbourg, p.1119-1122, (2004)
Structure and magnetic properties of Fe-Pd silica composites prepared by sequential ion implantation,
, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 345-346, Parma, p.681-684, (2004)
A study of intrinsic crystal-pixel light-output spread for discrete scintigraphic imagers modeling,
, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume 51, Number 1 I, p.80-84, (2004)
Subnuclear distribution of the largest subunit of the human origin recognition complex during the cell cycle,
, Journal of Cell Science, Volume 117, Number 22, p.5221-5231, (2004)
Surface abrasion of glazed ceramic tiles: A new investigation technique,
, Key Engineering Materials, Volume 264-268, Number II, Istanbul, p.1515-1518, (2004)