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Associations between fine particulate matter, gene expression, and promoter methylation in human bronchial epithelial cells exposed within a classroom under air-liquid interface,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 358, (2024)
Implementation of an On-Line Reactive Source Apportionment (ORSA) Algorithm in the FARM Chemical-Transport Model and Application over Multiple Domains in Italy,
, Atmosphere, Jan-02-2024, Volume 15, Issue 2, Number 2, p.191, (2024)
Concentration and size distribution of atmospheric particles in southern Italy during COVID-19 lockdown period,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 295, (2023)
The Role of Vegetation on Urban Atmosphere of Three European Cities. Part 2: Evaluation of Vegetation Impact on Air Pollutant Concentrations and Depositions,
, Forests, Jan-06-2023, Volume 14, Issue 6, Number 6, p.1255, (2023)
Temporal Variation of NO2 and O3 in Rome (Italy) from Pandora and In Situ Measurements,
, Atmosphere, Volume 14, Number 3, (2023)
Trends in urban air pollution over the last two decades: A global perspective,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 858, (2023)
Air pollution and climate change threats to plant ecosystems,
, Environmental Research, Volume 212, (2022)
Assessment of the Performance of a Low-Cost Air Quality Monitor in an Indoor Environment through Different Calibration Models,
, Atmosphere, Volume 13, Number 4, (2022)
Climate change and air pollution: Translating their interplay into present and future mortality risk for Rome and Milan municipalities,
, Science of The Total Environment, 07-2022, Volume 830, p.154680, (2022)
Legislative and functional aspects of different metrics used for ozone risk assessment to forests,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 295, (2022)
Ozone-reducing urban plants: Choose carefully,
, Science, Volume 377, Number 6606, p.585, (2022)
, 21st International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, HARMO 2022, (2022)
On the Redox-Activity and Health-Effects of Atmospheric Primary and Secondary Aerosol: Phenomenology,
, Atmosphere, Volume 13, Number 5, (2022)
On the association between high outdoor thermo-hygrometric comfort index and severe ground-level ozone: A first investigation,
, Environmental Research, Volume 195, (2021)
Impact of ground-level ozone on Mediterranean forest ecosystems health,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 783, (2021)
Mapping the susceptibility of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites in Europe to ambient (outdoor) air pollution,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 754, (2021)
A Study of Traffic Emissions Based on Floating Car Data for Urban Scale Air Quality Applications,
, Atmosphere, Jan-08-2021, Volume 12, Issue 8, Number 8, p.1064, (2021)
Urban trees for biomonitoring atmospheric particulate matter: An integrated approach combining plant functional traits, magnetic and chemical properties,
, Ecological Indicators, Volume 126, (2021)
Computational tests to improve the spatial resolution of the atmospheric transfermatrices in the integrated assessment model MINNI,
, 20th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, HARMO 2020, (2020)
Design and Development of a Flexible, Plug-and-Play, Cost-Effective Tool for on-Field Evaluation of Gas Sensors,
, Journal of Sensors, Volume 2020, (2020)
Evaluation of receptor and chemical transport models for PM10 source apportionment,
, Atmospheric Environment: X, Volume 5, (2020)
Multi-frequency signal for saturation detection of a pollution filter based on graphene nanoplatelets,
, I2MTC 2020 - International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Proceedings, (2020)
Nature-based solution for reducing CO2 levels in museum environments: A phytoremediation study for the Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper",
, Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 12, Number 2, (2020)
Biodiversity and ecosystem services in urban green infrastructure planning: A case study from the metropolitan area of Rome (Italy),
, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Volume 37, p.87-96, (2019)
Deliberating performance targets workshop: Potential paths for emerging PM2.5 and O3 air sensor progress,
, Atmospheric Environment: X, Volume 2, (2019)