Daniele Pizzichini
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Daniele Pizzichini is a Biotechnologist. He gained his degree in Molecular Biology in 2003 on the topic of “metabolic engineering of carotenoids in Potato” at University of Rome La Sapienza and obtained the PhD in 2008 at University of L’Aquila on the “ transcriptomic of saffron” . In 2004 Daniele started a collaboration with GENELAB s.r.l. (an ENEA spin-off company), exploring the field of applied process technologies and in particular membranes filtration techniques. From 2007 he was technical director for GENELAB srl. Daniele followed many projects in the field of valorization of agronomical biomasses as milk whey, olive mill wastewaters, grape pomaces and so on. During this period Daniele participated and leaded specific activities in process research and technology transfer in collaboration with several italian industries (Oleifici Mataluni, Calatrasi Winery, Urbani tartufi), among these experiences one of the most relevant (2009-2012) was the industrialization of an ENEA patent. A prototype-plant based on membrane filtration technologies dedicated to polyphenols recoverying from olive milling by-products was designed, realized and executed in the early stages from Genelab crew. This project originated a novel Start-up Phenofarm. In the years 2013-2014, in collaboration with ENEA (department o food safety and sustainability) Daniele was involved with Granarolo company in a project of development of new milk formulations through membrane based processes. Daniele is actually Researcher at ENEA C.R. Casaccia in Rome. Is engaged in technology process research for biomass energetic and chemical valourization.