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Meeting Internazionali

SEAWave project meeting

30 January 2023

Sono iniziati i lavori del progetto europeo SEAWave "Scientific-Based Exposure and Risk Assessment of Radiofrequency and mm-Wave Systems from children to elderly (5G and Beyond) , finanziato nell'ambito della Call HORIZON EUROPE 2021 – Cluster 1: HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02. I partners si riuniranno per il primo scambio di risultati, dopo sei mesi dall'inizio del progetto, il 30 e 31 gennaio a Zurigo.

7th World Congress on cancer reasearch and therapy

20 October 2022 to 22 October 2022

The 7th World Congress on cancer reasearch and therapy will take place in Las Vegas (USA) in October 20-22, 2022. This will be a unique opportunity for cancer experts to share their knowledge and experience in innovation and progress developed across the full spectrum of cancer. Dr Mirella Tanori (SSPT-TECS-TEB) will participate to the meeting, as invited speaker, presenting results obtained within the SUMCASTEC (Semiconductor-based Ultrawideband Micromanipulation of CAncer STEm Cells) project.

4th World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies

9 October 2022 to 13 October 2022

Dal 9 al 13 ottobre si terrà a Copenhagen il 4 congresso mondiale sull’elettroporazione che vedrà una consistente partecipazione della Divisione TECS grazie ai numerosi lavori accettati sia come presentazioni orali, che come poster.


19 June 2022 to 24 June 2022

BioEM is the world’s largest and most highly recognized international conference in the field of bioelectromagnetics. BioEM 2022 will be the first annual meeting of the new BIOEM Society, after the merger between the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA).


29 May 2022 to 3 June 2022

The triennial URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (URSI AT-RASC) is one of the URSI flagship conferences besides the URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium and the APRASC conference (Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this 3 rd URSI AT-RASC was moved from 2021 to 2022 and URSI AP-RASC (the AsiaPacific Radio Science Conference) cannot be held in Australia as planned due to current travel restrictions.